Bandcamp Roulette: Punishingly heavy deathcore from Ocean of Illusions

Posted by Corinne Westbrook in Bandcamp Roulette on April 22, 2022

Our own Cori Westbrook rolls the dice on the Jersey-based deathcore crew.

Bandcamp Roulette is a feature where, every week, we will buy a randomly chosen album from an underground band and tell you all about it! Follow us on Instagram to help us choose next week’s album!

New Jersey based deathcore outfit Ocean of Illusions offer up their own special take on the genre with tight and uncompromising instrumentation and absolutely savage vocals on, Unrecognizable. Ocean of Illusions gets highly creative on this album with bits of groove, progressive moments, technicality woven throughout and a solid use of electronic elements to offset the brute-force brutality. 

Sharply-honed and irresponsibly heavy, the band has crafted a story beyond the blistering nature of the music. Unrecognizable tells the story of a divine entity that has chosen Earth as its next conquest as humanity is devolving into something, well…unrecognizable. Highly dystopian, this is definitely a product of our times. 

Tight production and a gloomy atmosphere give Unrecognizable a haunting and high-quality feel. They have the impressive ability to switch up from ferociously fast to punishing and slow. Unrecognizable is a solid addition of intelligent deathcore that brings together a variety of elements and isn’t simply heavy for the sake of being heavy.

Unrecognizable was released on March 20, 2022. You can pick up your copy HERE

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