Motionless In White unveil throwback inspired single, "Creatures X: To The Grave" - Knotfest

Motionless In White unveil throwback inspired single, “Creatures X: To The Grave”

Posted by Ramon Gonzales in News on October 23, 2020

The single celebrates the band’s 10th anniversary of their debut prior to their ‘Dead’ streaming performance of ‘Creatures’ in full on October 28th.

Motionless In White has surprised fans with a brand new standalone single that draws inspiration from the band’s classic sound of their debut album, Creatures.

“Creatures X: To The Grave” serves as a segue into the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the band’s aenduring debut, Creatures. Motionless In White will be broadcasting a special ‘deadstream performance’ (10pm UK / 5pm EST time on 28th October) which will feature a complete performance of the album in its entirety. 

Frontman Chris Motionless offered some insight on the release and the upcoming stream.

“After ten years of the most insane highs and lows that a band can experience, we are so proud to hit such a milestone as a record having its 10th anniversary. We wanted to do something special to celebrate, so we decided to throw it back with a very Creatures-inspired track that includes some of the very same keyboard sounds and guitar riff styles that are found on that record, as well as many callback lyrics and themes to the original Creatures song. It’s been a very interesting year for everyone, but we’re happy to have found cool ways to still give fans something to hold on to throughout. Hope everyone enjoys this one. Happy Halloween.” 

Tickets for 10th anniversary stream of Creatures are currently available – HERE.  

After the initial streaming broadcast fans can access the show for an additional 48 hours on October 30th and 31st. Tickets will be available through the end of October for this event.

Stream the new single from Motionless In White, “Creatures X: To The Grave” below.

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