Carl Saling champions the healing power of the flower and details the collaboration in Clown Cannabis on the Electric Theater - Knotfest

Carl Saling champions the healing power of the flower and details the collaboration in Clown Cannabis on the Electric Theater

Posted by Ramon Gonzales in Interviews on May 19, 2021

The founder of Hollister Cannabis Co. details the collaboration in Clown Cannabis and reveals the personal experiences that convinced him of the plant’s obvious health benefits which inspired him to invest in the industry as a means of truly helping people holistically.

Carl Saling sat as as the special guest for the last edition of clown’s Electric Theater. As the founder of Hollister Cannabis Company, the passionate ‘Anti CEO’ shared his excitement in not only getting to work with clown for launch of Clown Cannabis, but also serves as an articulate voice in dissecting the stigma that still seems to shadow such a beneficial plant.

In a very enlightening discussion with clown, Saling revealed that his son was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease and explained the role that cannabis has played in his continued treatment. Striking common ground, clown shared that his wife was also faced with the ailment and detailed how holistic means of treatment seemed to be the most effective.

The two pioneers in their respective fields also discussed how daily microdosing is an especially effective means of maintaining focus and channeling the kind of unique intensity that each brings to their professional and creative space. Saling explained that he doesn’t consume any other kind of medication, nor does he consume alcohol, but his cannabis consumption is really what helps him to maintain an even keel and really channel his drive.

Arriving at what brought the guys together, Saling and clown detail the arrival of Clown Cannabis and explain the special blend of bubble hash and premium cannabis that fills the beautiful packaging of six pre rolls. The blend known as Hashbone has become the flagship product from Hollister and reflects the kind of quality and craftsmanship that is unique to the company and anchors the collaboration.

Stream the complete conversation with clown and Hollister Cannabis Co. CEO Carl Saling on the latest Electric Theater below via Youtube or your preferred podcasting service.

:43 – Carl Saling shared that he was in the process of recovering from Covid and described the ordeal as something that “he wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy”. clown revealed that he had loved ones that contracted the virus as well and the seriousness is something he understands.

2:15 – Saling introduces the collaboration that Hollister is doing its clown and Heavy Grass that boasts a bubble hash infused pack of pre-rolls that is called Hashbone. The collaboration is a joint project with Heavy Grass.

4:20 – clown discussed that he is proud that three entities are working together on this release and really wanted to focus on the medicinal benefits of the flower. Opting to tackle the stigma of marihuana, clown has long been an advocate of the holistic qualities inherent in Marijuana and felt it was important to reiterate that when discussing this product launch.

6:30 – Echoing that same sentiment, Saling spoke about the role cannabis plays in his life personally as he doesn’t consume any other medication or even drink alcohol. He spoke about how the flower regulates his everyday and believes that emphasizing the medicinal quality of the flower Is really the narrative that should be further cultivated. Saling further explained that cannabis helped his son with Crohn’s disease and that has been a driving force in his advocacy and involvement in the industry. Saling punctuated his belief by emphasizing, “Making money is great but that is not why I am here. I am here to help people.”

8:16 – clown revealed that his wife also suffered from Crohn’s disease and went for years undiagnosed. After various treatment options and eventual surgery, it was a more natural, holistic means of treatment and pain management that worked best for her.

10:10 – clown detailed the history of alcoholism that he comes from and discussed how people ion his life have often wondered if they would have had a better quality of life had they been able to partake in caanabis rather than alcohol or other, more harsh options.

11:32 – clown discussed how his first time truly experiencing the full effects of cannabis happened when Slipknot first traveled to Amsterdam. It was there that he developed an appreciation for the flower.

12:54 – Saling further detailed how microdosing for him helps with wrangling in focus and keeping him on task as a businessman and entrepreneur. He also offered the other end of the spectrum and said that while macrodosing helps with issues like anxiety and attention span, heavier doses really prove effective for people struggling with major health issues like cancer – really underscoring the versatility of the plant.

15:10 – Siding with Saling’s need to regulate his intensity when it comes to his daily routine, clown compared it to the intense focus that comes with the creative elements of Slipknot and the kind of tunnel vision that comes along with that. It’s something the guys refer to as “lizard brain”. clown went onto share that he regularly has 12 things going on in his head all at the same time and the need to regulate that is imperative.

16:50 – Going back to Saling’s son and his struggles with Crohn’s disease, Carl shared that cannabis is only part of his treatment regimen and that it has to be combined with diet and exercise.

18:00 – clown referenced a story of a video that he saw that dissected a hot dog and observed what it was comprised of under a microscope to explain how people commonly see that as food and don’t have any stigma about it while cannabis is a completely natural product and yet people still seem hesitant. (The findings of what is actually in a hot are gross FYI)

19:48 – Saling discussed how in the 1800s cannabis was in the pharmacopeia and was regularly prescribed and commonly used. Getting into the social equity element of cannabis, Saling reiterated how important he feels it is to overturn cannabis related offenses and get those expunged from people’s records.

23:45 – Detailing his background, Saling explained Hollister Cannabis Co. and it’s beginning back in 2014. IN 2017, Saling secured licensing to manufacture, distribution and delivery of cannabis and was the first company in Hollister to do so. in 2019, the company went public in Canada under Hollister Biosciences and began really growing with acquisitions, including Venom Extracts out of Arizona.

25:15 – Saling explained the process of making bubble hash and explained how that blended with their premium. quality flower has become the flagship product from Hollister.

26:09 – Saling emphasized something that is very important. The level of laboratory testing on cannabis, particularly in California is more stringent than that of our food supply. What that means is that the cannabis that is currently being produced and sold legally is the safest that it has ever been. That remains especially important when it pertains to the medicinal implications of the flower.

28:05 – clown expressed that it was especially important for him to work with someone that understood that the quality of the product he would eventually get involved with had to be top tier. The emphasis for clown with regards to cannabis is always about the medical qualities and not about getting high.

30:54 – clown details more of fascination with cannabis, particularly the role THC plays in the natural evolution of the plant. Saling explained that the fascination for him is in the vanity of strains. From blueberry to strawberries to gasoline to bananas, the variation in smells between strains is what piques his interest most.

35:00 – The guys explain the involvement of Heavy Grass in the partnership. Cited as the nexus of the collaboration between Hollister and clown, Sling explained that Heavy Grass is essentially a lifestyle brand that aims to merge the cultures of cannabis and heavy music together in a very contemporary, gimmick free way.

38:50 – Underscoring just why the partnership makes sense, Saling expressed his love for hard rock and heavy metal. Revisiting his early years growing up in New Jersey, he shares that Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and Metallica were in his regular rotation.

40:00 – Asserting his allegiance as a true maggot, Saling confided that he was at the very first Knotfest in San Bernardino, CA and has been to three of the shows since. He shared that he has seen Slipknot at Ozzfests and pointed out how being a fan of the band has really made this collaboration some thing especially significant to him.

43:20 – clown detailed how the ‘We Are Not Your Kind’ era for him was a very emotionally taxing time and the pause that came with the pandemic has really given him the opportunity to reconnect with what is important and focus on what he finds fulfillment in. He shared that he is excited to get back out into the thick of it again and has a sense of optimism about how humanity is going to come out of the other end of this.

46:40 – clown discussed the packaging elements and how the tangible quality of Clown Cannabis was treated with the same artistic detail as all of his projects. He discussed that while this is a very serious effort, the idea is to have some fun with it and create something cool while championing the medicinal qualities of cannabis.

51:35 – Similar to his involvement with Slipknot whiskey, clown explained that he is hoping to do some appearances and signings at dispensaries to better bridge the cultures of cannabis and heavy music.

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